Safety first: Make sure to take these precautions at home this festive season

Category Advice

As we head into the festive season it is an unfortunate reality that we need to be more vigilant about our personal safety and that of our homes. 

"Opportunistic criminals are hard at work this time of year, which calls for increased security at home," says Chris Trytsman, Principal at Leapfrog Rustenberg

His advice is to be practical about safety and to consider installing devices to enhance security, many of which also add to the value of your property. . 

First things first 

Safety gates at doors leading to the outside and burglar bars in front of windows is an essential first layer of security. Make sure they are properly installed and that the keys to the gates are not within reach of the gate. 

Trytsman adds that locks on doors and windows should regularly be checked to ensure they work effectively and should be replaced in an event where tampering is noticed. 

An alarm system is another basic layer of security for many homeowners and is a great option if you can afford it. "It's a good idea to test the alarm regularly and ensure there is a battery pack to serve as backup in the event of a power outage of loadshedding. Any issues with the system should be reported to the provider immediately," Trytsman advises. 

Lighting around the outside of a property is an easy but effective way to deter criminals at night. Make sure to leave the lights on throughout the night and that they are strategically placed around the property. 

Nice to haves 

Additional measures like security cameras and electrified perimeter fencing are a great security value-add but tend to require significant capital outlay. Regular maintenance on these is highly advisable to ensure remains in peak working order at all times. 

"A low-tech alternative to security cameras and fencing is to cut down any trees or foliage that obstruct an entrance to a property or provide an easy hiding place for a would-be criminal," Trytsman says. Visibility is a key part of basic safety protocols so make sure you're not unwittingly offering hiding places on your property. 

Good neighbours 

There's great strength to be found in numbers. This is something resilient communities know well and why they look out for one another. Make it a priority to get to know your numbers as they are the people likely to reach you the fastest in case of an emergency at home. Consider asking for their contact numbers and commit to letting your neighbours know if you spot something suspicious around their properties and assure them that they are welcome to contact you in case of an emergency, and they're likely to do the same for you. 

"Also be considerate in, for example, letting your neighbours know if you're having work done around the house so that they are aware of strangers being in the neighbourhood," Trytsman recommends. 

WhatsApp groups, for a street, complex or neighbourhood, are also proving to be very useful for sharing news and information pertaining to the people living in a given area.

Get involved

A Neighbourhood Watch is a great civic initiative that has been proven to be an effective way to reduce and combat crime in an area where it is active and well managed. Neighbourhood Watches tends to work closely with the local police, law enforcement and private armed response units to offer an additional layer of visibility and vigilance.

Consider getting involved with your neighbourhood watch, as they are always looking for help and it takes us all to ensure the safety of our communities. It is also a good idea to look into starting one if your neighbourhood doesn't already.

Ultimately, safety and security is something that concerns us all and while it pays - particularly in terms of the value of your property - to install the security features your finances allow for, neighbourly vigilance can also go a long way in keeping crime out, particularly during the holiday period. 

Author: Leapfrog Property Group

Submitted 29 Nov 21 / Views 955